



    例题1:more than twice

    Each employee of a certain company is in either Department X or Department Y, and there are more than twice as many employees in Department X as in Department Y. The average (arithmetic mean) salary is $25,000 for the employees in Department X and is $35,000 for the employees in Department Y. Which of the following amounts could be the average salary for all of the employees in the company?

    Indicate all such amounts.

    A $26,000

    B $28,000

    C $29,000

    D $30,000

    E $31,000

    F $32,000

    G $34,000

    本题我们要注意到题目中的more than twice的字眼,我们当做twice算的时候,结果是(25000*2+35000)/3约等于28333,因为有more than,所以选的答案要么是比前面这个数大,要么小,又由于more的是X部门的,那么肯定会将平均工资给拉低了,因此,选比前面那个数小的答案,AB都可以了。


    例题2:dollar amount

    1)、If the dollar amount of sales at Store P was $800,000 for 2006, what was the dollar amount of sales at that store for 2008 ?

    A $727,200

    B $792,000

    C $800,000

    D $880,000

    E $968,000


    2)、At Store T, the dollar amount of sales for 2007 was what percent of the dollar amount of sales for 2008 ?

    Give your answer to the nearest 0.1 percent.___________%


    3)、Which of the following statements must be true?

    Indicate all such statements.

    A For 2008 the dollar amount of sales at Store R was GREater than that at each of the other four stores.

    B The dollar amount of sales at Store S for 2008 was 22 percent less than that for 2006.

    C The dollar amount of sales at Store R for 2008 was more than 17 percent greater than that for 2006.





2019年12月16日 10:33


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